Jhn 7:17 he shall know of the doctrine, whether of God, or of myself.
Precept upon precept, line upon line, hear a little there a little
Precept upon precept, line upon line, hear a little there a little
On this site we have a range of subjects on our download page. These subjects include:
Deity: where we study Who God is. What did John say in John 1:1, ... in the beginning was the Word ... What prophets did John work from as he was taught by Messiah.
The Only Begotten Son: Christology is a subject that considers who the Only Begotten Son is and how He was made flesh.
God's Sabbatical Calendar discusses the Seventy Weeks of Daniel and the possible years for the 70th Week to begin.
An Exposition for-This Generation, is a discussion for who this generation is, the one half hour of Revelation 8:1, The end of the grace age Revelation 10:1 followed with the plagues and judgments in the book of Revelation.